COMING SOON: Training Hoosier Parents & Family Members as Family Home Health Aides & Parent CNAs

Check If You’re Eligible…


Our Home State. Your Home Care.

Great news! We partner with Indiana Family and Social Services and family members to support both the Medicaid Age and Disabled Waiver Programs: Attendant Care and Structure Family Caregiving Indiana. Learn more by clicking below.

How Works in Indiana

Whether you're considering switching coverage or starting out for the first time, getting family members paid and supported for your work as a caregiver is easier than ever.

Already a Caregiver?

Join to start earning more, receive daily care coaching, plus get a sign-on bonus!

$500 BONUS

Becoming a Caregiver?

If you live in Indiana, we help qualify you to get paid to care for a loved one through Medicaid Waiver Programs!


Who Is Eligible for Attendant Care?

Indiana Medicaid Family Caregiver
Attendant Care Program Caregiver Indiana

1. Be an Indiana Hoosier

You must live in the State of Indiana.

2. Live Near or With Your Caregiver

or the Attendant Care Program, your caregiver just needs to live nearby. You do NOT have to live in the same home as the Caregiver

3. Have Medicaid and Get On a Waiver

Be eligible for Medicaid or already have Medicaid while meeting financial/asset requirements for the Medicaid’s Aged & Disabled Waiver. (Don’t worry! The team can help!)

🎥 Getting Paid to Be A Family Caregiver Through A Medicaid Waiver In Indiana

Video Course

  1. Download’s Medicaid checklist.

  2. Start with “Section 1: Intro To Medicaid + Family Caregivers” and watch the videos in order.

  3. Reach out if you have any questions or feedback along the way.




If eligible through FSSA (Indiana Family and Social Services) Medicaid Waiver Indiana Programs: Attendant Care or Structured Family Caregiving Indiana you can see how much you can get paid to care for a loved one through gets you & a loved one qualified & paid for the Indiana’s Attendant Care Program.